Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rupert Menapace

Prof. Dr. Rupert Menapace

Curriculum Vitae

Surgical specializations

List of Publications

List of lectures


auf Deutsch

Rupert M. Menapace, MD
Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon

Chief Surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology & Optometry
Medical Director of the "Outpatient Cataract Surgery Unit"
Head of the "Cataract & Intraocular Lens Service"

University of Vienna Medical School (MUW, www.meduniwien.ac.at),
Vienna General Hospital ("Allgemeines Krankenhaus", AKH)

Specialized in:

Cataract surgery:
Minimally-invasive microsurgery with intraocular lens implantation

Refractive surgery:
Excimer laser ablation and artificial lens implantation for treatment of shortsightedness (myopia ) or farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism

Glaucoma laser and filtering surgery

Trauma and reconstructive surgery of the anterior segment

[ More informationen... ]

Ranked as top expert in cataract surgery
The multi-topic specialists index "expertscape.com" ranked Prof. Rupert Menapace, MD, among the top five experts in the surgery of cataract,
Medical University of Vienna reports.

Private Office:

Group Practice at the Vienna Private Hospital
Lazarettgasse 25/1st Floor
1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 40 180 - 7010
Fax +43 1 40 180 - 1440
eMail: ordination@prof-menapace.at

Attending eye surgeon (also ambulatory) at the

Private Hospital "Confraternität" (www.confraternitaet.at)
Skodagasse 32 (pedestrian entrance) / Haspingergasse 6 (car access)
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 40 114 - 0
Fax +43 1 40 114 - 5607

Ranked by the multi-topic specialists index
among the top five experts in the surgery of cataract.
(see the report on MedUniWien.ac.at)

rated one of the "leading researchers
of the german-speaking medicine" compiled by the
independent "Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon" in Erlangen

by vindobona.com Seitenfangn