Rupert M. Menapace, MD
Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon
Chief Surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology & Optometry
Medical Director of the "Outpatient Cataract Surgery Unit"
Head of the "Cataract & Intraocular Lens Service"
University of Vienna Medical School (MUW, www.meduniwien.ac.at),
Vienna General Hospital ("Allgemeines Krankenhaus", AKH)
Specialized in:
Cataract surgery:
Minimally-invasive microsurgery with intraocular lens implantation
Refractive surgery:
Excimer laser ablation and artificial lens implantation for treatment of shortsightedness (myopia ) or farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism
Glaucoma laser and filtering surgery
Trauma and reconstructive surgery of the anterior segment
[ More informationen... ]
Ranked as top expert in cataract surgery
The multi-topic specialists index "expertscape.com" ranked Prof. Rupert Menapace, MD, among the top five experts in the surgery of cataract,
Medical University of Vienna reports.
Private Office:
Group Practice at the Vienna Private Hospital
Lazarettgasse 25/1st Floor
1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 40 180 - 7010
Fax +43 1 40 180 - 1440
eMail: ordination@prof-menapace.at
Attending eye surgeon (also ambulatory) at the
Private Hospital "Confraternität" (www.confraternitaet.at)
Skodagasse 32 (pedestrian entrance) / Haspingergasse 6 (car access)
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 40 114 - 0
Fax +43 1 40 114 - 5607
rated one of the "leading researchers
of the german-speaking medicine" compiled by the
independent "Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon" in Erlangen